
I took off the word "Success".

Who am I? Who Will I? And who was I?

These 3 questions are coming with me the last 4 days. I don't know why and to be honest, aren't good company.
Who am I?

I don't know if I am. Perhaps I am, that is all. Isn't it?

Well, that isn't all, always there is more.
Taking off all stuffs that make me happy, I try to be honest with myself.

And the following question is:

Am I happy? or better to say Do I? Because with time knew that isn't the same, to be happy what to do happiness. You can be happy of course but do you practice that happiness.

I have lot things to be happy, I have a job, a great BF, my houses, I am establishing my life in UK... then I have to be happy. Have I? Must I? or Am I?

A lot of questions, I will choose I am happy. Simply, that is.
Then I am a happy person who is making his new Life.
Who Will Me?
I know who I want to become, the question will I do?
Since I was a little boy knew what I wanted to become, far enough, sometimes I am too far and sometimes I was to close. Maybe I am in the middle no-where.

(I have to stop about that. because having my coffee I had a gift, the waiter gave a card with his number to some customer, then give me a story).

They are not using GRINDR, Really? I cannot believe that... or too sweet, giving card whit his telephone number made by his hands!!!!! Love stories are coming, well or sex stories, I don't care.

The customer is gone, by the moment. I look the waiter, I can look his happiness, maybe he is waiting to have sms or maybe he wrote when he will be free, I couldn't read enough to know more.
This story per accident makes me thing about that I was.
I was the kind of person that only is thinking in the Success; maybe that is why I am in a mad mod sometimes.
Because what means success?
Or what is success for us?

I don't want to think about that, and then I decide to take off the word success of my vocabulary!!!!

Better to try to be, because I was and I will be.

(Meanwhile I am on my why I saw the waiter texting someone else, maybe they will have a first date, or maybe they will have a quickly sex-time) I would ask him if I wanted to know by the moment that is enough).

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